Dianne Arcangel (Afterlife Encounters) offers the following account of her first contact at a luncheon with well-known medium George Anderson. While he was highly respected among her Elisabeth Kiibler–Ross colleagues because of the therapeutic value of his work, they were not interested in whether or not he really talked to the dead. A number of her workshop participants had recounted remarkably accurate readings with him, but, she notes that she remained convinced that mediumship was not possible, so his accuracy didn’t mean anything to her. However, she was talked into having a reading with him.
Arcangel describes the session as follows.
Ater they were seated Anderson stacked two thick pillows behind his back, which placed him more than six inches forward in front of her. As a result, she was almost directly behind his head, and he could see her only if he turned around. He instructed her that if he asked her to validate some piece of information by asking if it was correct or she understood, she was to answer yes, no, or that she didn’t. She was not to say anything else or to supply any information.”
The reading proceeded as follows.
“George began. A male presence comes through . . . your father’s father . . . your grandfather. He says, “George.” Wait . . . your grandfather’s name was George … is that right?”
Arcangel – “Yes.”
Anderson – “He says that although you never met … I take it that he died before you were born . . . you still have a special connection.. Do you?”
Arcangel ‘Yes,’ I answered, surprised that his initial statements were specific and correct. My paternal grandfather, George Davidson, and I both had near-death experiences.”
Anderson – “He says, “I’ve been with you from birth and will continue to be. Your sister could never adjust to your being born. She was always jealous of you and caused a lot of trouble in your family.
Arcangel – “ I thought He’s nailed it so far, but he hasn’t told me anything I don’t know. Although certain that he was reading my consciousness, I was impressed by his accuracy nevertheless and anxious to hear more.”
Anderson – “This can’t be for you … a female presence comes through saying she’s your mother, but you’re too young to have both parents on the other side. George paused, tilting his head far to the right, as though listening to someone. Yes, she says she’s your mother, but you’re much too young to have lost both parents. That cannot be correct. Your mother isn’t over there, is she?”
Arcangel “Yes,” I answered.”
Anderson – “She appreciates everything you did for her. She says, “You were the one I could always depend on. I always knew I’d be okay as long as I had you. You were my rock … always there no matter what.” Those were the precise words my mother often said to me, “You are the only one I can depend on. I know I’ll always be okay as long as I have you.”
Anderson – “Helen,” your mother says, “I have an important message for Helen.” Will you take it to her?
Arcangel – “No,” I answered.”
Anderson – “No, you won’t take it to her? ”
Arcangel – “No,” I answered, keeping my answers as limited as possible. What do you mean? I don’t understand. You won’t take the message? ”
Arcangel – “No. There is no Helen.” She didn’t know any Helen.”
Anderson – “Your mother says, “Oh, you know, Dianne, Helen! Helen!”
Arcangel – “I was stunned. The inflection and pitch in George’s voice mirrored my mother’s. When she thought I should understand something she was talking about, she would say, “Oh, you know, Dianne, Fifi! Fifi!” or “Oh, you know, Dianne, her dog, Fifi! Fifi!” I could hardly believe what I was hearing. But still, we didn’t know anyone named Helen, so I repeated emphatically, “There is no Helen.”
Some time after the session when Arcangel was looking at her deceased mother’s diary to discover any information on a family named Smith who wanted to rent her house.
“While my index finger skimmed each page from top to bottom, my eyes searched for the name Smith. Then, even my breathing came to a halt.’ Met Helen West at church today. She wants to come over for lunch tomorrow’. There she was. Helen! Mother had mentioned Mrs. West’s visit, but because the woman was my elder she never uttered her first name.”
Continuing the reading —
Then, although George had no prior knowledge that I was a mother, he began speaking about my daughter in a matter-of-fact fact way.
Anderson – “ Someone is extending white roses to your daughter, which means she’ll be getting married probably within the year.. White … a lot of white and bright lights all around her … and you … at the wedding. “ “Something about her wedding ring … it’s rare or significant … an heirloom … passed from generation to generation. White … a lot of white and bright lights all around her … and you … at the wedding.”
“Your family from the Otherside will attend, and you’ll need their support in the coming years, because she’ll get pregnant and it will be an extremely difficult pregnancy with serious complications. But she’ll give birth to a healthy baby boy and both will be okay. He’s going to be exceptionally bright, with a special purpose here, and that’s why he’ll survive. But it will be a very, very serious pregnancy … very serious.”
Arcangel – “I thought, Whoa … he’s way off on this one. She might eventually get married, but not any time soon, and I don’t think she’ll ever have children.”
“ I remained certain that George’s forecasts for my daughter would never come to fruition. They too, however, proceeded exactly as he prophesied. She, indeed, was wed. I was the celebrant for her wedding-therefore, I stood with her and the groom. Throughout their candlelight ceremony, we were totally enveloped in white-the candles, walls, ceiling, carpet, room furnishings, and flowers. Because the jeweler did not have her specially designed wedding ring finished in time for the service, she was married in the same ring that my grandmother, mother, and I wore. Two years thereafter, following a horrendous pregnancy, which included hospitalizations, critical care, and blood transfusions, she gave birth to a son. Today he is in the gifted and talented program at his primary school.”
(Arcangel, Afterlife Encounters, pps 176 – 186)