afterlife inquiry

heaven – Lisa Miller

In her marvelous 2010 book, Heaven, Lisa Miller weaves together contemporary reporting and historical scholarship to give us a comprehensive, engaging, and challenging study of what is one of the most fundamental issues in our lives. Following is my summary…

Revelaton and Channeling

Religious and spiritual writings, myths, and folktales portray a supernatural dimension occupied by forces and beings and happenings that lie outside of, or beyond, the normal natural materialistic universe. We know about this because some humans down through the ages…


Religious and spiritual writings, myths, and folktales portray a supernatural dimension occupied by forces and beings and happenings that lie outside of or beyond the normal natural materialistic universe. We know about this because some humans down through the ages…

past lives therapy

In the 1960’s and 70’’s the idea gained popularity among some nontraditional mental health therapists that the recall of past lives could be therapeutically beneficial. Dr. Winafred Blake Lucas in her brief history of what has become the past lives…

Edgar Cayce

In the first half of the 20th century Edgar Cayce attracted widespread popular interest in reincarnation and psychic healing through his readings, and his work remains popular today. His story is fascinating and deserves telling. Cayce was born into a…

YouTube is an interview with author of “The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.” This is about communication, but also a picture of heaven. Annie Kagan shares her brother Billy’s amazing experience in the spirit world. It all began about 3 weeks…

deathbed visions

In 1977 Karlis Osis and Erlendur Haraldsson published At The Hour Of Death, describing their investigations into what they termed deathbed visions. Deathbed visions are experiences reported by some patients very shortly before they die which involve such things as…

after-death communications

One of the most common occurrences involving contact with the deceased is known as an after-death communication (ADC). An ADC has been defined as “a spiritual experience that occurs when someone is contacted directly and spontaneously by a deceased family…

Induced ADCs

In recent years a new avenue for ADC research was rather fortuitously discovered. Psychologist Allan Botkin in his 2005 book Induced After Death Communications describes a revolutionary new therapeutic strategy for helping people resolve grief from the traumatic death of…

Pam Reynolds

Pam Reynolds in 1991 experienced a near-death encounter which has been one of the most significant examples of consciousness functioning while the body and brain were shut down. Reynolds, an Atlanta-based singer and songwriter, began feeling extremely dizzy, lost her…

alien contacts

Inquiries into nonmaterial phenomena, of which afterlife phenomena occupy a prominent role, often open vast and seemingly limitless realms that in some ways appear to intersect to offer us glimpses into what may comprise reality itself. Spiritual and psychic phenomena…

field consciousness

In speculating about the nature and limits of psi phenomena parapsychologist Dean Radin posed an intriguing question. Are we dealing with a personal perceptual skill that can be used to our private advantage, like an improved form of visual acuity…


One of the most widely reported characteristics of ESP is that it operates across time as well as space. This raises fundamental questions. Nothing seems so basic to our sense of reality than that time flows in one direction from…

remote viewing

Probably no area of psi research in recent years has attracted as much popular attention as what is known as remote viewing. These experimental investigations of clairvoyance actually have a long history dating back to picture-drawing studies published by psychical…

psi in ganzfeld experiments

Charles Honorton was intrigued by the evidence for psi in dreams and other altered states of consciousness. To make sense of this he developed the theory that psi might operate as a weak signal that is normally masked by the…

psi in dreams

Psi in dreams During the many years the Rhines conducted their research people from all over the US upon hearing about it began sending them anecdotal stories of their own spontaneous psychic experiences. In 1948 Louisa Rhine began to systematically…

science and ndes

Before leaving our discussion of the NDE literature, a recap of what scientifically oriented critics have to say will be informative. Some of these criticisms apply equally to other types of spirit related experiences. Perhaps most obvious is that because…

Eben Alexander nde

Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, wrote a 2012 bestselling book, Proof of Heaven, in which he described his remarkable near-death experience. This account is highly significant for several reasons, primarily because it occurred to a neurosurgeon. Alexander’s background was described in…

George Ritchie nde

George Ritchie, who was later to become a psychiatrist, experienced a profound NDE in 1943 which he later described in his 1978 book “Return from Tomorrow”. Ritchie’s encounter with spirit occurred three decades before Moody coined the term NDE and…

negative ndes

Recall that in Gallup’s 1982 survey five percent of his sample or around 7.7 million in the total adult population reported having had an NDE. One percent of those described very negative or even hellish elements, quite different from anything…